An autumn Day

“Autumn is winter's spring”, this is how Toulouse-Lautrec, one of the masters of color, defined the season we are just welcoming. During autumn, nature presents us with a magnificent color range, and the freshness of rain, so common in this period of the year, tickles our nostrils and touches our skin as a gentle caress. Autumn is definitively a spectacle for the senses and we cannot wait to enjoy it to the fullest. What do you love doing in autumn? Here is our perfect plan on a day off! Our day starts at Mantequerias Pirenaicas, this bar definitively prepares one of our favorite “tortilla de patatas” (Spanish omelet) in the uptown area of Barcelona. The best way to charge energies for the rest of the morning. After a complete breakfast, we head to the Natural Park of Collserola, one of the biggest metropolitan parks in the world; mushrooms, vegetation and quietness. Fun here is guaranteed for all! The morning flies here, but we’re starting to feel hungry and so it’s time to go back to the city center. Before lunch, we stop for a well-deserved vermouth at MiraBlau. This restaurant offers and outstanding view to Barcelona As the sun goes down, temperature also descends quite significatively in autumn so our afternoon plans are usually indoor. The cultural offer is wide: museums, theatre, concerts… So, every weekend is different. If we had to choose an event that takes place during this period of the year, this would definitively be the “48h Open House”. A 2-day event (26th and 27th of October) that this year celebrates its 10th anniversary so it will be, for sure, a not-to-miss on our calendars. But what is “48h Open House”? Well, this is the city’s most important encounter with architecture and design. More than 150 buildings open their doors to visitors with the aim of disseminating our cultural and architectural heritage. This activity is completely free and gives us the unique opportunity to explore some of the most beautiful hidden gems in Barcelona. We don’t need gloves yet, however, a hot chocolate starts to feel like the best plan by the end of the day. One of our all-time favorites is Granja Viader, located in Calle Petritxol. As a curiosity, here is where Cacaolat was born and is just a few steps away from Liceu Opera House. With these plans, it doesn’t feel that bad to say goodbye to summer, right?

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